[Koha] Importing barrowing information
Agnes Rivers-Moore
arm at hanover.ca
Mon Nov 9 12:43:26 NZDT 2009
This is a fairly complicated process, it depends how much of the
circulation data you hope to transfer.
You can add some of it to the 952 field in a MARC record - this can
accommodate fields such as $l (letter l) number of times borrowed, and
$q due date of item if currently checked out. If you can tell where this
information resides in your old system, you can write a script to insert
it to the MARC records and them the bulk MARC import process will
include that in the item details.
However this does not tell you who has each item. That would need to be
imported to the issues table, as Chris says, and link to the borrowers
table for the details of the person who has the item. Issues link to the
borrower table through 'borrowernumber' and to the items table through
'itemnumber', and needs data such as branchcode, issuingbranch,
date_due, issuedate, and timestamp.
There is also oldissues, which holds the history of all completed checkouts.
Br. Francis Therese Krautter wrote:
> Hello,
> I am still working on importing data into koha. We have a rather
> large database and I am trying to move it over, most of it has moved
> so far, but one major importation I can't figure out how do is all the
> currently borrowed books. I can't find a marc field or a koha
> variable that looks like it contains this information. There are over
> 1000 books currently checked out, I really don't want to have to do it
> by hand!
> -BFT
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Agnes Rivers-Moore
Assistant Librarian
Hanover Public Library
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