[Koha] Has anyone changed the layout of circulation slips?

Agnes Rivers-Moore arm at hanover.ca
Tue Jun 30 06:38:43 NZST 2009

Hello all

I was just wondering whether anyone has felt the need to alter the 
layout of the circulation slip printer output? We find that the title 
often takes up 3 or 4 lines, which are separated by whitespace where the 
date and barcode number appear, as follows:

             The Lord of
            the rings, the
06/24/2009                  219030045678
            fellowship of
            the ring.

We would like to rearrange this so the date and barcode share one line 
(which will fit easily on the slip printer paper), and the title has a 
whole line (or more) to itself.

Has anyone else made changes to how the printable data is arranged? 
Where in Koha should I look for the template for this?



Agnes Rivers-Moore
Assistant Librarian
Hanover Public Library

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