[Koha] New Koha Virtual Appliances Available

Kyle Hall kyle.m.hall at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 09:48:05 NZST 2009

I don't think I installed the guest additions in the vm. That may
help. I've actually run into this problem with VMWare server as well,
but it probably has a different cause there. This notice used to be on
the vm page on my site:

There is an issue involving the copying of a Debian-based VMware image
in which the appliance appears to have no network interface, that is
eth0 does not appear and attempts to bring it up result in errors.

The fix this edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file
to update the HWADDR line to match the MAC address found in the
image’s VMX file (the MAC address can be found on the line


Information Technology
Crawford County Federated Library System ( http://www.ccfls.org )

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 12:29 AM, Reed Wade <reedwade at gmail.com> wrote:
> fwiw- I've run into exactly this problem before with VirtualBox (which
> I do like otherwise) and never found a fix -- always found it easier
> to reinstall to guest OS -- not a useful solution here
> I've suspected it might be related to the fake Ethernet addresses
> getting duplicated. You might try reassigning the interfaces and/or
> maybe turning off one and enabling another.
> -reed
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