[Koha] Stage MARC Records for Import vs. bulkmarcimport

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Sat Jul 4 00:15:20 NZST 2009

Sébastien Hinderer a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I'm trying to understand the differences between bulkmarcimport (BMI) and
> stage MARC records for import (SMRI).
> As I understand it:
> 1. BMI is done through command-line whereas SMRI uses the web interface.
> 2. With BMI the records get catalogued directly so the reservoir step is
> skipped, contrary to what happens with SMRI.
> So my questions are:
> 1. Is this understanding correct ?
> 2. What's the intended use of the two functionality ? Being new to the
> library science field, I suspect that there is perhaps something more to
> the storry than what I know.
> Actually, I think I understand the idea behind BMI (catalogue a bunch of
> records at once), but I don't understand what there is behind SMRI.
BMI is usually used when migrating. So it's only once, before you go live.
SMRI is used on a daily basis by librarians. For example (as you're 
french), after getting your order list from Electre. Or from DVD 
vendors. Those vendors send by mail an iso2709 file, that can be 
included in Koha in a few clics.
> 3. Once I understand things better, I'm willing to write something in
> the manual or in the wiki to explain what I have understood and which
> could then be improved by others. old that be relevant, and, where would
> that fit best ?

PS: do you know there is also a french list, see http://www.koha-fr.org ?

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