[Koha] Cannot edit record if indexing fails?

Martin Longo jmlongo at uncu.edu.ar
Sun Apr 5 02:51:02 NZDT 2009

Hi there !

I need help with a problem I'm trying to figure out testing koha 
(3.000.1 stable). Followed all the steps recommended for working with UTF-8

The scenario goes like this:

We have 13 and some libraries that we want to manage with Koha. Right 
now I'm testing the import tools (web based and command line) with 
records from one of those databases (around 50.000 records). The two 
tools work fine and get the work done, but when the records are more 
than 5000 the web based interface takes too long and sometimes it never 

One problem arises when I rebuild the zebra index. The process rejects 
some records (I don't know how many). AFAIK, in this records, the script 
chokes on 952 records that have a Ü (capitalized U with a dieresis) or a 
Ö (capitalized O with a dieresis) character on the shelving location 
subfield (I send some images as attachment).
The problem is not with every ü character. in fact, if they are present 
i.e. in the author field and not in the 952 field, they pass to the 
index and I can find them without any problem.

The thing that makes things more dificult is that... even if I wanted to 
fix this records by hand with Koha cataloging interface... I can't, 
because I can't search for them (I can search for them, but I can't find 
or retrieve them, because they weren't indexed)...

So ... I can "fix" (they are correct, I shouldn't need to fix them, but 
I could change the conflictive characters where needed) those records in 
the original database and bulkmarcimport them deleting everything (-d 
option). That would be a nice solution for the first database ... but 
there are 13 of them ... and I don't want to be erasing 'n-1' databases 
when I hit a similar problem importing the database number 'n'...

So ... anyone can give some advice on how to solve this?
is there a way to find/edit records without having to search for them?
or .. better .. is there a way to patch/fix the indexing process, so 
those characters can pass without problem? 

Thanks in advance

Ing. J. Martin Longo
Depto. Gestion Informatica
SID - UNCuyo

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