[Koha] Koha and ILL?

Owen Leonard oleonard at myacpl.org
Tue Oct 7 02:23:05 NZDT 2008

> Because the main targets of Koha ILS (not huge public libraries,
> schools libraries, private libraries) don't need a specific
> ILL module.

I think the large public libraries and consortia in the U.S. now
switching to Koha would disagree with that characterization!

Generally speaking, if something is not in Koha, it's because no one
has deemed it so mission-critical that they have funded the
development of that feature. This could be because they have higher
funding priorities, or just because they don't have the money.

If an ILL module was something of interest, I'd say the first step
would be to put together an outline of what features it would include.
See RFCs for Koha 3.2 for examples:


  -- Owen

Web Developer
Athens County Public Libraries

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