[Koha] A very basic librarian question

BWS Johnson mhelman at illinoisalumni.org
Sat Mar 22 09:10:45 NZDT 2008


\/\/00+ a Librarian question!
Ohhhh, it might *seem* like a basic question, but you could have
inquired without fear of retribution, and we would have taken you for a
Librarian. You see, no one really knows.* (*That I've met, anyway.)
The best scheme I saw for a public Library was genre based at the East
Brunswick Public Library in NJ a long time ago when I was a high
schooler. However, you're dealing with a church Library, so I can only
imagine all yer stuff is going to be on fairly similar topics. 
So, I will advocate for an approach that other cataloguers (this is
really a classification question, but I doubt that matters to you) may
throw stones at me for. I would counsel you to genrify by title and
church chronology or possibly author and church chronology. That way, if
it were in a Christian establishment, you'd have works in the early
years and title then the later and it might prove useful to your users.
If it were a mosque, I might advocate for subject classification. If it
were a Judaic temple, I might advocate for just stickin' to the Dewey
subject since I'd like to think there might be a wider range of topics
present. So I suppose it would help to pry and know which religion, and
in that case I might provide a more useful answer.

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