[Koha] OPAC language selection

Tim McMahon tmcmahon at wlpl.org
Wed Jun 25 07:24:00 NZST 2008

I found my problem.  I still had to add a language.  Now I get 
"Languages:  | | | | es-ES  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 
| en | | | " in the English OPAC and something that's formatted better 
in the Spanish version.

Tim McMahon wrote:
> When I enable language selection in the OPAC, all I get is "
> Languages:  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 
> " at the bottom of the page.

Tim McMahon
Technical Services
West Liberty Public Library
400 N. Spencer St.
West Liberty, IA 52776
Phone: 319-627-2084	Fax: 319-627-2135
tmcmahon at wlpl.org	http://www.wlpl.org

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