[Koha] 2.2.9 or 3.0?

Steve Bradwell sbradwell at perimeterinstitute.ca
Thu Apr 17 01:27:32 NZST 2008



We have recently upgraded to 2.2.9 and are now considering going to 3.0.
We have noticed a couple issues with 2.2.9 (amazon content using 3.0 web
services instead of 4.0, and Z39.50 search throwing error for title,
isbn etc when it's been entered).


Should we continue upgrading straight to 3.0 or wait for it's full
release? We are a small library in a physics institute with 2000 or so
books. There is some pressure to go to a purchase system here, but we
use primarily open source, and really like the koha product.


Thanks for your input,


Steve Bradwell

Application Development Manager

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

(519) 569-7600 x5062.

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