[Koha] addbiblio.pl still failing

linda r lindamarcella at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 20 15:20:24 NZST 2007

I'm having a similar problem.  At the "Add MARC Record with Framework" page
in the staff client, I searched for an ISBN number with Z3950 and there were
two results.  This is farther than I got before.  Then I clicked the "add
bibliographic record and go to items" button.  I did it several times
because the error message wasn't very complete, something like "required
fields in bold not filled in".  On about the 4th try, I filled in a yellow
field (MARC tag 003 "Control Number Identifier"), and then it gave "server
internal error".  So maybe it got farther.    

I'm using Koha 2.2.9 on Debian 4.0 with MySQL 4.1.  A fresh install of
everything from Debian up.  On the off chance my configuration has something
to do with it, I recount a problem I had installing.  I  had some problems
with installing LWP::Simple, and had to force the CPAN install.  Maybe the
error was percolating up from Business::ISBN10 which was needed by URI which
was needed by LWP::Simple.  It gave an error about country_code - but maybe
this has nothing to do with it.

Can anyone please help?  Is there a way to import records from other formats
by writing a script?  We have a database in an adhoc (non-MARC) format that
I would like to migrate to Koha.  Thanks.

Output of /var/log/apache2/error.log:

Arguments must be MARC::Field object at
/usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Biblio.pm line 1440
Q2 : select distinct m1.bibid from biblio,biblioitems,marc_biblio,marc_word
as m1,marc_word as m2,marc_word as m3,marc_word as m4,marc_word as
m5,marc_word as m6,marc_word
as m7,marc_word as m8,marc_subfield_table as m9 where
biblio.biblionumber=marc_biblio.biblionumber and
biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber and m1.bibid=marc_biblio.bibid
and (m1.bibid=m2.bibid and m1.bibid=m3.bibid and m1.bibid=m4.bibid and
m1.bibid=m5.bibid and m1.bibid=m6.bibid and m1.bibid=m7.bibid and
m1.bibid=m8.bibid and m1.bibid=m9.bibid) and ((m1.word  like 'introduction'
and m1.tagsubfield in ('245a'))and (m2.word like 'infinite' and
m2.tagsubfield in('245a'))and (m3.word like 'ergodic' and m3.tagsubfield
in('245a'))and (m4.word like 'theory' and m4.tagsubfield in('245a'))and
(m5.word like 'Aaronson' and m5.tagsubfield in('245b'))and (m6.word like
'Jon' and m6.tagsubfield in('245b'))and (m7.word like '27' and
m7.tagsubfield in('100a'))and (m8.word like 'cm' and m8.tagsubfield
in('100a'))and (m9.subfieldvalue = 'American Mathematical Society,'  and
concat(m9.tag,m9.subfieldcode) in ('300c'))) order by biblio.title ASC term
is  An introduction to infinite ergodic theory   Aaronson  Jon  27 cm 
American Mathematical Society, at
/usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/SearchMarc.pm line 274.
Arguments must be MARC::Field object at
/usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Biblio.pm line 1440

output of koha-access_log: - - [19/Aug/2007:18:48:44 -0700] "POST
/cgi-bin/koha/acqui.simple/addbiblio.pl HTTP/1.1" 500 613

output of koha-error_log:

[Sun Aug 19 18:48:45 2007] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: addbiblio.pl, referer:

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/addbiblio.pl-still-failing-tf4236861.html#a12229493
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