[Koha] Installing Koha

alex alex at king.net.nz
Thu Aug 3 11:11:05 NZST 2006

Hi there.

I am attempting to install Koha on a Debian Testing (Etch) system.  I
downloaded koha-2.2.5.tar.gz

I have loosely followed
http://www.kohadocs.org/Installing_Koha_on_Debian_sarge.html, however, I
tried to satisfy all dependancies using debian packages.

I have mysql server version 5 installed, as well as the following debian

ii  libhtml-tree-perl            3.19.01-2                  
ii  liblocale-gettext-perl       1.05-1                     
ii  libmail-sendmail-perl        0.79-4                     
ii  libmarc-charset-perl         0.95-1
ii  libmarc-perl                 1.07-4                     
ii  libmarc-record-perl          1.38-3                     
ii  libnet-daemon-perl           0.38-1                     
ii  libnet-ldap-perl             0.33-2                     
ii  libnet-z3950-perl            0.51-1                     
ii  libperl5.8                   5.8.8-4                    
ii  libplrpc-perl                0.2017-1                   
ii  libtext-charwidth-perl       0.04-3                     
ii  libtext-iconv-perl           1.4-2                      
ii  libtext-wrapi18n-perl        0.06-4
ii  liburi-perl                  1.35-2                     
ii  libwww-perl                  5.805-1                     
ii  libxml-namespacesupport-perl 1.09-2                     
ii  libxml-sax-perl              0.12-5                     
ii  perl                         5.8.8-4                    
ii  perl-base                    5.8.8-4                    
ii  perl-modules                 5.8.8-4                    

The installer ran through without requesting I load any modules from
CPAN.  The installer ran right through to the end, but there were
messages during installation that may have indicated database errors. (I
didn't record them)

I tried to load in as much "default" data and messages as I could (eg.
"stop" words etc.)

Now the system seems to be partially working.  The admin (intranet?)
interface seems to work (superficially at least), but the opac interface
gives an error (500 Internal Server Error).  The error.log is
uninformative ([Thu Aug 03 10:01:24 2006] [error] [client]
Premature end of script headers: opac-main.pl)

Running the cgi-script from the command line gives me:

/usr/local/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac-main.pl     DBD::mysql::st execute
failed: Table 'Koha.itemtypes' doesn't exist at
/usr/local/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac-main.pl line 17.
DBD::mysql::st fetchrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at
/usr/local/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac-main.pl line 20.
DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'Koha.systempreferences'
doesn't exist at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line
DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'Koha.systempreferences'
doesn't exist at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line
DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'Koha.systempreferences'
doesn't exist at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line
HTML::Template->new() : Cannot open included file
/usr/local/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/default/en/opac-main.tmpl : file
not found. at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Template.pm line 1632
called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Template.pm line 1205
        HTML::Template::_init('HTML::Template=HASH(0x824f7cc)') called
at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Template.pm line 1099
        HTML::Template::new('HTML::Template', 'filename',
'die_on_bad_params', 0, 'global_vars', 1, 'path', 'ARRAY(0x8a65fb4)',
...) called at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Output.pm line 77
        C4::Output::gettemplate('opac-main.tmpl', 'opac',
'CGI=HASH(0x8151d54)') called at
/usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Auth.pm line 114
        C4::Auth::get_template_and_user('HASH(0x8a3c10c)') called at
/usr/local/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac-main.pl line 32

Just looking at the first error, there is indeed no itemtypes table in
the database.  The database tables are currently as follows:

Database: Koha
|         Tables          |
| accountlines            |
| accountoffsets          |
| additionalauthors       |
| aqbasket                |
| aqbookfund              |
| aqbooksellers           |
| aqbudget                |
| aqorderbreakdown        |
| aqorderdelivery         |
| aqorders                |
| auth_header             |
| auth_subfield_structure |
| auth_subfield_table     |
| auth_tag_structure      |
| auth_types              |
| auth_word               |
| authorised_values       |
| biblio                  |
| biblio_framework        |
| biblioanalysis          |
| biblioitems             |
| bibliosubject           |
| bibliosubtitle          |
| bibliothesaurus         |
| bookshelf               |
| borexp                  |
| borrowers               |
| branchcategories        |
| branches                |
| branchrelations         |
| branchtransfers         |
| catalogueentry          |
| categories              |
| currency                |
| deletedbiblio           |
| deletedbiblioitems      |
| deletedborrowers        |
| deleteditems            |
| ethnicity               |
| marc_biblio             |
| marc_blob_subfield      |
| marc_breeding           |
| marc_subfield_structure |
| marc_subfield_table     |
| marc_tag_structure      |
| marc_word               |
| marcrecorddone          |
| serial                  |
| sessionqueries          |
| sessions                |
| shelfcontents           |
| subscription            |
| subscriptionhistory     |
| suggestions             |
| uploadedmarc            |
| userflags               |
| websites                |
| z3950queue              |
| z3950results            |
| z3950servers            |

I am not sure if I have a complete initial database structure and just
need to do some more setup through the admin interface (eg. add some
item types), or if I only have a partial and defective db structure.

I will probably play with what I have for a while, but I will probably
delete the install and try again taking more note of messages during the

Specifically, if I reinstall, should I downgrade mysql server to version
4.1 (which is also in etch?)  Do I need any updated or additional
modules from CPAN or elsewhere?  (The sarge install docs mentioned I
should get MARC:Record from sourceforge and install manually)
Obviously, it would be better from my point of view if I could get all
dependencies within Debian.


Alex king

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