[Koha] Setting up branches in koha

Steven F.Baljkas baljkas at mts.net
Thu Feb 23 13:31:14 NZDT 2006

Wednesday, February 22, 2006     18:29 CST

Hi, Bernadette,

It sounds like the mapping errors your error message below describes are the result of (perhaps) incorrectly coded 952 fields.

Maybe take a look at that first before continuing on with other problem analysis.

Hope that helps a bit.

Steven F. Baljkas
library tech at large
Koha neophyte
Winnipeg, MB, Canada

P.S. There will be a vast diversity in how different libraries have set up their different branches: it might help to focus your question a bit more specifically than that. A friendly observation.

From: "Bernadette Cassidy" <BernadetteC at burwood.org.nz>
Date: 2006/02/22 Wed PM 03:50:14 CST
To: <koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>,  <koha-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>, 
	"Rosalie Blake" <rosalie at library.org.nz>
Subject: [Koha] Setting up branches in koha



I'm trying to set up a holding branch without success, items are listed
as held in the Allan Bean Centre Library not the new location/branch 

How have other libraries set up their branches?


When I checked system preferences I noted the following see below.  How
can I rectify this?


Many thanks,



homebranch NOT mapped

the items.homebranch field MUST :

*  be mapped to a MARC subfield, 

*  the corresponding subfield MUST have authorised value=branches

holdingbranch NOT mapped

the items.holdingbranch field MUST :

*  be mapped to a MARC subfield, 

*  the corresponding subfield MUST have authorised value=branches


biblionumber and biblioitemnumber mapped correctly


You have 4 error(s) in your MARC configuration. Please fix them before
using koha




Bernadette Cassidy

Library Manager

Allan Bean Centre for Research and Learning in Rehabilitation

Private Bag 4708


Tel: (03) 383 9492

Fax (03) 383 7500

Email: bernadettec at burwood.org.nz <mailto:bernadettec at burwood.org.nz> 



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