[Koha] pointers--libraries for dummies

Karl Agee kdagee2 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 28 11:00:13 NZST 2005

Since I am not a librarian, I'd like to know of some
links to esplain this libariran stuff to me.  What is
MARC, the Library of Congress stuff, biblios and more
to a "dummy".  how it all fits together.  I need to be
able to explain how koha works (need some better
documentation here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I need to
explain it to our librarians who, by their own
admission, arent geeks.  or even very computer
literate (but they know more than they think they do).
 I can explain how the web works, how the database
works, how things are put together, but I dont know
the librarians language. 

Help with articles links etc, something that I can


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