[Koha] The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a
drowsy silence lay over SourceForge...
paul.poulain at free.fr
Tue Jun 24 07:24:03 NZST 2003
... when Koha 2.0.0pre1 was released.
This release add many bugfixes, and some improvment in z3950 and
repetable fields management.
It has been placed in the "unstable tree" because there are still some bugs.
But it's fully usable, and should not be modified a lot until a stable
version is released.
Nothing new. Note MARC::Record has new releases, but older one (1.26)
works fine.
DB modifications :
* added field in aqbudget, primary key :
aqbudgetid tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment
PRIMARY KEY (aqbudgetid)
* added field in systempref :
options text
* bibliothesaurus
field father changed to char(80) (was bigint)
added full text index : FULLTEXT KEY category_2 (category,freelib)
z3950 :
* works on biblio adding & modifying
* works on ISBN, author, title, the 1st found being the one used.
various :
* added subject and subtitle to MARC subfields mapped to Koha old-DB.
* reordered bookfunds/budget admin tools.
languages/languages :
DEFAULT template :
* english works.
* french should work, mostly. If you experiment some problems, test with
english templates, and report the problem as general or french specific
NEW template :
a "unido" template is in this release. It's uncomplete, and based on
vanilla template.
GUI reordering
* Some unused links have been dropped.
* a "submenu" shows some operation below main menu.
* the MARC link disappeared. It's managed by the MARC=ON/OFF systempref.
(the breeding import is now in Parameters section)
* acquisition and cataloguing are now separated.
acquisition=simple/normal in systempref and cataloguing is MARC/nonMARC
depending on MARC=ON/OFF systempref.
Should be easier to understand.
Bugs still open in bugs.koha.org
always some, but less than in 1.9.3 (40 at this time. more than 20 of
them are minor : spellcheck, image missing...)
Some of them (for more details, see http://bugs.koha.org) :
* 426 Reserving a book (with a reserve fee) results in a hostile message
* 452 Payment due flags not showing up for children
* 185 Barcode not auto-calculated when autobarcode is on
* 425 Add new website feature doesn't work
* 318 allow or not a book to be loan
* 236 Reserve book on future date doesn't work or copy is wrong
bugs not reported here are either unconfirmed, not understood, minor, or
partially fixed.
Feel free to ask for bugfixes and new features in bugs.koha.org.
NOTE that NEW FEATURES or IMPROVEMENTS will only be for 2.0.1 unless
it's a very trivial or blocking one.
* bug fixes (everybody)
* cleaning z3950 old searches (more than 1 hour/day old ?) (paul)
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)
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