[Koha] RE: Barcode readers

Bigwood, David Bigwood at lpi.usra.edu
Wed Feb 12 11:27:38 NZDT 2003


BarCode-1 is a good place to go to find out about bar codes. Standards,
news, a bulletin board, shareware, and links are available. There are no
products for sale, only unbiased information. 

Libraries have a de facto standard for bar codes, at least here in the
states. The 1st number is a 2 for patrons or a 3 for books. The next 4
numbers are for the institution. At one point in time some company was
keeping track of them, but I think that stopped years ago. The next 8
numbers are in sequence. The last digit is a check digit. Most use codabar.
Get samples for different companies since some are easier for the scanner to
read than others.

David Bigwood
bigwood at lpi.usra.edu
Lunar & Planetary Institute
Cataloging news: http://www.catalogablog.blogspot.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cormack [mailto:chris at katipo.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:53 PM
To: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
Subject: [Koha] [marie at ecoquest.co.nz: Barcode readers]

I think this message just came to me, so im forwarding it to the list.

----- Forwarded message from Marie Buchler <marie at ecoquest.co.nz> -----

Dear List,

We've just installed Koha for our small library. I have three basic

1. Will Koha record borrowers without a barcode? If so, how?
2. If not, what kind of barcode software system have users installed? The
"yellow pages" have dozens of companies.
3.What are the steps in the process of a)obtaining numbers and barcode
strips b) installing them on koha's accessions catalogue

Any basic help would be VERY appreciated.

Marie Buchler

----- End forwarded message -----

Chris Cormack                                                     Programmer
025 500 789                                        Katipo Communications Ltd
chris at katipo.co.nz                                          www.katipo.co.nz
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