[Koha] Installed! ;) Now some question...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at sv.lnf.it
Wed Jul 10 02:11:35 NZST 2002

Mandi! Tonnesen Steve
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Question:  When you get to Section Two, is the itemtypes drop down box
> populated?  Does it have any entries in it that you can select?

Hem, yes itemtypes are not empty, but i've found that fore some reason
the db was not updated.

Really i've installed 1.2.1 from scatch, so i suppose that in tarball
of 1.2.1 the schema was 1.2.0.

Excuse me. ;)

dott. Marco Gaiarin				    GNUPG Key ID: 240A3D66
  Associazione ``La Nostra Famiglia''                http://www.sv.lnf.it/
  Polo FVG  -  Via della Bontà, 7 - 33078  -  San Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
  gaio(at)sv.lnf.it		tel +39-0434-842711    fax +39-0434-842797

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