[Koha] Koha - The worlds first open source library systems ?

Rachel Hamilton-Williams rachel at katipo.co.nz
Thu Aug 24 12:14:53 NZST 2000


FWIW we checked out greenstone (and all the other open source library 
related projects we could find) before starting to write our own.

There are lots of "library" projects - but we couldn't find any that addressed 
old fashioned "Libraries" ie collections of books/items that people could 
borrow, in a comprehensive fasion.

We were very impressed with the greenstone project - and would love to use 
anything we can  - particularly your experience I suspect  when it comes to 

> It's good to see other kiwis doing innovative library stuff. 

Ditto :-)



Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
WEBMISTRESS                          ph  025 300 825 or +64 04 389 1285 
mailto:rachel at katipo.co.nz           PO Box 7039, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand

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