[Koha] System preferences related to "not for loan" itemstypes

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Fri Sep 15 01:45:47 NZST 2023

Hello Christina,

I don't think I have the answer, but maybe some avenues to look at...

First, the "Hide in OPAC" option in item types is not used to hide the 
item or the record from the OPAC, but rather it hides the advanced 
search options (if itemtypes is in OpacAdvancedSearchTypes). The name of 
the option is not the best, but that is what it does.

My first hypothesis for your problem would be 
OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord. Although I'm not sure why one item among 
many would hide the record... Normally, OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord is 
used to hide the record if all items are hidden by OpacHiddenItems. You 
could try deactivating it and seeing if the record appears.

I've also seen problems in the past if something in OpacHiddenItems is 
not written correctly. You could try deleting everything that is in 
there and check if the record appears. If it does, add the content back 
line per line to see which line causes the problem.

Maybe the logs could tell you something? Also, if you have the action 
logs for system preferences enabled, you could look at what sysprefs 
were modified around the time the problem appeared. If it is as you 
think and a syspref was changed, you could see it there.

That's all I have...

Good luck!


On 2023-09-14 02:56, Fairlamb, Christina wrote:
> Morning all,
> I have a problem related to one of my itemtypes that is probably a system
> preference I changed a while ago but I can't find it so wondered if anyone
> had any ideas where to look.
> I have about 15 itemtypes, 4 of which are marked not for loan, 1 of these
> "not for loan" items hides the entire record from the OPAC no matter if
> there are other viewable/loanable itemtypes attached to the record or not
> (It does NOT have the "Hide in OPAC" option selected). This is not the
> behaviour I want. If I untick the "not for loan" option for this itemtype,
> all is as normal and the record with all valid items can be seen on the
> Does anyone have any idea which systempreference this might be related to,
> I've checked out OpacHiddenItems specifically, I've checked out the record
> level suppression and i've taken a look through all the OPAC
> systempreferences but no luck so far.
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