[Koha] Local covers and the Coverflow plugin

library at ssst.edu.ba library at ssst.edu.ba
Fri Jun 16 20:40:26 NZST 2023

Hello again, 

I'm trying to find a way to have local covers show in the Coverflow plugin on the OPAC page for titles not added via Z39.50. 

I had originally set it up using the first example in the configuration (items added in the last 30 days), but going back I see there's another example for adding additional columns. Since it said, "you can add an additional column" I thought I was supposed to paste it below the already existing code. That... ended up with an error yeah :) So I replaced it and ran the report but could not get a local cover. 

What am I doing wrong this time? I uploaded the cover in the holdings area. Is there another location I should do it instead? I checked old posts on the mailing list, but could not find any solutions for this. I would also like to work out a way to show covers of our collections (e.g. CS textbooks, ECON textbooks, donated books etc.) but for that I need to figure out lists?? 

I'm on Koha 23.05.00 and Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. 

Best regards

Aida Đikić

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