[Koha] Converting MARC records from Sagebrush Athena
Tim McMahon - West Liberty Public Library
tmcmahon at wlpl.org
Thu May 5 04:34:10 NZST 2005
I'm looking for comments on my work so far. Here is the perl script I
wrote to move things to different fields for Koha. Let me know if you
see anything that should be changed or could be done a better way. I'm
still learning perl, so this could look pretty bad.
First I set up a hash for converting Athena formats to Koha item types.
After I read a record, I pick the data I want from the 852 fields.
852_6 is format
852_p is barcode
852_9 is cost
852_8 is accession date
852_k is call number prefix
852_k is call number main
852_i is call number cutter
852_m is call number suffix
852_9 is changed to pull any extra characters out of the cost.
Athena allows longer strings for their formats. 852_9 is changed to
shorter strings using the hash made at the start of the script.
Build a whole call number from the pieces in 852 by putting $k, $h, $i
and $m together with spaces between and then stripping extra spaces out
of it.
Put 952 together with our new 852_9, our new call, a code for the home
branch and holding branch and the barcode.
# use strict;
# use warnings;
## Crate our MARC::Batch object.
use MARC::Batch;
my $infile = $ARGV[0];
my $outfile = $ARGV[1];
my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC',$infile);
## open a file handle to write to.
open(OUT,">$outfile") or die $!;
my %format = (
'binder' => BIND,
'book' => BOOK,
'book kit' => KIT,
'books on CD' => BKCD,
'books on tape' => BKTP,
'cbook' => BOOK,
'CD' => CD,
'CD-ROM' => CD,
'DVD' => DVD,
'ebook' => BOOK,
'equipment' => EQU,
'file folder' => FILE,
'frame' => FRAM,
'hbook' => BOOK,
'magazine' => MAG,
'map' => MAP,
'sbook' => BOOK,
'tboot' => BOOK,
'vbook' => BOOK,
'video' => VID
## read each record. modify, then print.
while ( my $record = $batch->next() ) {
## get info from 852 field.
my @fields = $record->field('852');
foreach my $field (@fields) {
$field852_9 =~ s/[^0-9.]//ig;
## change the format in 852 6
my $new_field=$format{$field852_6};
$field->update( 6 => $new_field );
## Make a new call number for 952 a
$call=$field852_k . ' ' . $field852_h . ' ' . $field852_i . ' ' .
while ($call=~s/ / /ig) {}
$call=~s/^ //;
$call=~s/ $//;
## add 952 field from 852 tags
print OUT $record->as_usmarc();
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