Dear wonderful community of koha<br><br>I am not a programmer and have a little know how of technical things involved in koha. i have seen that koha community and developers are so active that new versions of koha are coming regularly and it is very difficult for us to keep us align with the pace of this development. is there any way to release some Long Term Support (LTS) version of koha just like Ubuntu LTS?<br>
<br>- can we install koha latest version using apt-get install koha by adding the sources in sources.list of ubuntu, debian or fedora? similarly we may able to use apt-get update and remove command for koha? in my point of view many users who are not well aware of linux installation process can use koha easily<br>
<br>- will koha shift to postgresql and solr instead of mysql and zebra respectively? <br clear="all"><br>-- <br><br>Abdul Vali<br>Librarian - ASE School<br>