The fresh installation of koha 3.2. 5 throws the following error with the web installer Step 3<br><p>The following error occurred while importing the database structure:</p>
<p class="error">ERROR 1050 (42S01) at line 431: Table
'collections' already exists
<p>Please contact your system administrator</p>reg<br> <br>Sunita Barve, Ph. D.<br>SIRC-In-Charge<br>National Centre for Radio Astrophysics<br>Post Bag No. 3, Pune Univ. Campus<br>Pune 411 007, INDIA<br>Phone : Office : 91-20-25719211 <br>
Residence : 91-020- 24470022<br> Mobile: 9922753827<br>Email : <a href=""></a> ; <a href=""></a><br>