Hi all,<br>I have installed koha3.02.00 on debian-squeeze for testing purpose.<br>After updating my koha database and quick indexing and rebuilding <br>zebra i do not get any search result. I set necessary file permission<br>
to koha:koha. first i run these command <b>export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib,<br>cd /usr/share/koha/bin/migratoin_tools, </b> <b>./<a href="http://rebuild_zebra.pl">rebuild_zebra.pl</a> -b -w then<br> </b><b>./<a href="http://rebuild_zebra.pl">rebuild_zebra.pl</a> -v -b -a -r. </b>These command work but can not <br>
get any search result. Please suggest me. My library is <br>waiting to go koha-3.02.00.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Nur Ahammad<br>Junior Assistant Librarian<br>BRAC University, Bangladesh<br><br>