Our consortium is currently NOT sharing with one another using the holds.
We have a planning meeting next Monday and will be preparing to begin
using these feature.<br><br>
I would appreciate any feedback:
<li>pros and cons
<li>tips and tricks about what works best
<li>any decisions you or your group has made about things like allowing
holds on new items, etc.
<li>any tutorials, print, web, or video that you might be willing to
</ul>I do have some of the things above already from others, but would
like to be prepared for the questions from my librarians.<br><br>
Thanks for sharing... Oh, yes, I don't believe it matters during this
information-gathering stage, but we are currently using LLEK. But I'd be
interested in any differences with the other versions, also.<br><br>
<font face="Garamond" size=4>Kathleen D. Rippel<br>
Dept. Head/Consultant--Resource Sharing and Access ; <br>
Pathfinder Central (Manager)<br>
Central Kansas Library System<br>
1409 Williams<br>
Great Bend, KS 67530<br><br>
(620-792-4865) phone<br>
(800-362-2642) toll-free, KS<br>
(620-792-5495) fax<br><br>
</font><font size=3>
</font><font face="Garamond" size=4>I'm currently reading: Spherical
Harmonic, by Catherine Asaro.<br>
I'm currently listening to: Squire, by Tamora Pierce.</font><font size=3>