Hello<br><br>This is my first question to the list since introducing myself a few months ago,<br>so please forgive me if I’m asking a silly question, but I haven’t yet been able to find an<br>answer out there.<br><br>I’m currently trying to set Koha up as a catalogue and access gateway to our<br>
eresources collection, as our current (proprietary) library system is a<br>nightmare to import anything into. As a first attempt I have successfully<br>imported nearly 3000 MARC21 bib records from one of our ebook suppliers into a<br>
test install of Koha (, hope to upgrade soon!). However, when I<br>search for any of the titles in the OPAC, I get the ‘Availability’ message ‘No<br>items available’ in the brief results, and in the detail holdings tab I get ‘No<br>
physical items for this record’. The MARC records as supplied don’t have any<br>item data, either in the Koha 952 item tag, or even item data I could map across<br>in the 852, and I’m yet to hear from the supplier that they can supply item data.<br>
<br>These messages will be off-putting for most of our readers, many of whom are new<br>to using libraries, and the vast majority probably won’t ask for help, so I need<br>to find a way to sort this out.<br><br>How could I tackle this apart from a huge effort in reader education, modifying<br>
my copy of Koha, or individually creating thousands of items? I have a couple<br>of ideas but don’t want to reinvent the wheel so would truly appreciate your help.<br><br>Thanks!<br>Jos<br><br>