Hi everyone,<br><br>We just recently set up Koha 3.0.5 and we have it working the way we want it to. It is great. Now, I would like to add some web pages that have the same look and feel and maybe even some of the main OPAC functionality, but have different content. For instance, I would like another page that gives the links to the databases we have subscriptions to. (We currently have those in the "OpacMainUserBlock," but I'd like to use that real estate a different way if we could.)<br>
<br>Ideally, I would love to have some other pages that our teachers could create for their research projects and even add discussion boards and other things similar to Moodle. (I fully realize this is a bit of a dream, and that I would have to install more software for some of the functionality.)<br>
<br>I think I need to know more about CSS to get what I'm thinking about. Does anyone know a good walkthrough for something like this in Koha or even a good CSS tutorial in order to acomplish this type of stuff?<br><br>
Thanks for any time anyone is willing to give,<br>Martin<br><br>Martin Brenner<br>Head Librarian<br>Whitfield School<br>St. Louis MO 63141<br>USA<br>