What are "best practices" when creating new categories for Authorized Values and new codes for Patron Attributes?<br><br>By accident I found that the maximum number of characters for a new Authorized Values category is 10. -- Nicole: Can this type of info be added to the documentation please?<br>
<br>Suspect there is a maximum number of characters for new Patron Attributes codes but prefer not to create test codes until I find one which is too long. Anyone know what the max number is?<br><br>Also suspect that there might be problems with SQL statements if any special characters are used in the categories and codes, other than perhaps "_" and "." (underscore and period). Is it best to use only alpha characters when naming categories and codes?<br>
<br>Thanks for any insights and guidance. Chris<br><br><br clear="all">Christine Mueller<br>Database Administrator<br>Office of Information Technology<br>New Mexico State Library<br>1209 Camino Carlos Rey<br>Santa Fe, NM 87507<br>
Phone: 505-476-9744<br><a href="mailto:christine.mueller@state.nm.us">christine.mueller@state.nm.us</a><br><a href="http://www.stlib.state.nm.us/">http://www.stlib.state.nm.us/</a><br>