I have followed the guide in the wiki. It is very helpful (There are some typos though)<br><br>I have got to the point of installing Koha and I get this message.<br><br>[Tue Dec 30 19:52:41 2008] Makefile.PL: Warning: prerequisite POE 0.9999 not found. We have 0.9989.<br>
<br>I have run the cpan installation for this and it ends in an error. Can anyone help me to get past this?<br><br>Thanks. All the other CPAN modules installed fine.<br><br>Cheers,<br>Krsnendu dasa<br><br>Last lines of output.<br>
<br>t/90_regression/whjackson-followtail.........ok <br>Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
t/30_loops/io_poll/wheel_run.t 5 1280 99 5 5.05% 24 30 32 42 44<br>t/30_loops/select/wheel_run.t 5 1280 99 5 5.05% 24 30 32 42 44<br>102 tests and 3 subtests skipped.<br>Failed 2/184 test scripts, 98.91% okay. 10/3482 subtests failed, 99.71% okay.<br>
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255<br> /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK<br>Running make install<br> make test had returned bad status, won't install without force<br><br>