<DIV>Greetings, </DIV> <DIV>My name is Yared, I'm from Ethiopia, I want to use Koha for our University library information system. I have an idea about Linux and I want to install Koha on Linux. </DIV> <DIV>Q?</DIV> <OL> <LI>On which Lunix distribution is Koha best for installation and Usage?</LI> <LI>What are the dependencies and from where could find them? only from the Internet or from the Installation CD of the Operating System?</LI> <LI>I saw From koha site and the information given is not that much on dependencies. From where can I find detail list of dependencies and detail installation steps?</LI></OL> <DIV>Thank you very much,</DIV> <DIV>I expect your immediate response.</DIV><p> 
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