Within the etc folder for koha there is a text file called koha, which has info:<br><br>database=blank228_home<br>hostname=localhost<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">user=koha</span><br style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">pass=koha</span><br>intranetdir=c:\usr\koha228\intranet<br>opacdir=c:\usr\koha228\opac<br>kohaversion=2.2.8<br>opachtdocs=c:\usr\koha228\opac\htdocs\opac-tmpl<br>intrahtdocs=c:\usr\koha228\intranet\htdocs\intranet-tmpl<br>includes=c:\usr\koha228\intranet\htdocs\intranet-tmpl\default\en\includes<br><br>-Is the user and password defined here the location where the verification takes place when we log in from the intranet page?<br><br>I noticed that if I changed either 'user' or 'pass', an error is generated when and the intranet page doesn't load. Someone suggested a method where an instance of mysql.exe is run from the command line followed by:<br>mysql Koha -e 'update user set password=password("abc123")
where<br> user="kohaadmin"'<br><br>I keep getting an error msg when trying to run the mysql.exe<br>error 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'odbc' @' localhost' (using password: NO)<br>-Whats the cause of that?<br><br>With that done, I also wish to create multiple user accounts for the intranet login.<br>-Is there any way to create several user accounts? I would assume the mainpage.pl script would have to be altered to accommodate the new verifications.<br>I am particularly interested in finding out where the script checks to verify the login information supplied.<br><br>Any insight into this problem would be much appreciated, esp. as it relates to setting up multiply user accounts.<br><br>Thanks<br>Noel<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><BR><BR>Image by FlamingText.com<p> 
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