<div>I am a new user of Koha. I am going to convert my data from a comma separated file. I am using MARCEdit to export data from my previous system in MARC format. Can someone help me in running bulkmarcimport.pl script? when i try to run it the following message appears:
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<div>C:\usr\koha227\scripts\misc\migration_tools>perl bulkmarcimport.pl -file koha.mrc<br><br>Can't locate MARC/Charset/Table.pm in @INC (@INC contains: c:\usr\koha227\intran<br>et\modules C:/usr/lib C:/usr/site/lib .) at C:/usr/lib/MARC/Charset.pm line 11.
<br>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/usr/lib/MARC/Charset.pm line 11.<br>Compilation failed in require at bulkmarcimport.pl line 14.<br>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at bulkmarcimport.pl line 14.</div>
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<div>I dont know how to install these modules. I tried to download <a href="http://Table.pm">Table.pm</a> from CPAN and copying it in c:\usr\lib directory but problem is same</div>
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<div>Note: I am running Active Perl 5.8.8 on windows xp</div>