[Koha] Local covers and the Coverflow plugin

library at ssst.edu.ba library at ssst.edu.ba
Tue Jun 20 20:13:14 NZST 2023


I also have a question about what to do with records that don’t have an ISBN, since it seems that coverflow will only work with those that do (biblioitems.isbn IS NOT NULL)? We have some old books that don't have ISBNs and I'd like them to appear in the coverflow as well.

Best regards

Aida Đikić

From: MASTeR Library <mamcet.library10 at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2023 9:48 AM
To: library at ssst.edu.ba
Cc: Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com>; koha <koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [Koha] Local covers and the Coverflow plugin

Copy and paste the above SQL code.
Save the report follow error,
The following error was encountered:
The database returned the following error:
Table 'koha_library.biblioimages' doesn't exist
Please check the log for further details.

On Tue, 20 Jun 2023, 1:09 pm library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>, <library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>> wrote:
Hi Alvaro,

What do you mean by discard items with no covers? I don’t want to discard them; I want them to use the cover I upload for those records that don’t have Amazon covers (mostly because they are titles published in my country and are not available via big distributors). Or is that not what “discard” means in this context?

Best regards

Aida Đikić

From: Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com<mailto:cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2023 4:34 PM
To: library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>
Cc: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz<mailto:koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [Koha] Local covers and the Coverflow plugin


You need to "discard" items with no covers from your query.

We use this:

SELECT DISTINCT biblio.title, biblio.biblionumber, c.imagenumber AS localcover
FROM items i
LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (i.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN biblioimages c ON (i.biblionumber=c.biblionumber)
  WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= i.dateaccessioned AND biblioitems.isbn IS NOT NULL  AND c.imagenumber != ''
  ORDER BY rand()

Hope helps



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Le lun. 19 juin 2023 à 02:16, library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba><mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>> <library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba><mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>>> a écrit :
Hello Alvaro,

I don't know how to do that, since I never even touched SQL before. I can copy and paste code from the SQL list, but don’t really understand what it does and how to change it to do what I need.

I just checked the report, it is public. The code I'm using is from the plugin configuration:

SELECT b.biblionumber, SUBSTRING_INDEX(m.isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, b.title
  FROM items i
  LEFT JOIN biblioitems m USING (biblioitemnumber)
  LEFT JOIN biblio b ON (i.biblionumber=b.biblionumber)
  WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= i.dateaccessioned AND m.isbn IS NOT NULL AND m.isbn != ''
  GROUP BY biblionumber
  HAVING isbn != ""
  ORDER BY rand()
  LIMIT 30

The instructions then go on to say:

Note: You can add an additional column 'localcover' - this should be blank if the biblio doesn't have a localcover and can contain any other data if it does. If this column is populated a local cover will be used. Example below:

SELECT DISTINCT biblio.title, biblio.biblionumber, SUBSTRING_INDEX(biblioitems.isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, c.imagenumber AS localcover
FROM items
LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN biblio ON (items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber)
LEFT JOIN cover_images c ON (items.biblionumber=c.biblionumber)
WHERE biblioitems.isbn IS NOT NULL AND biblioitems.isbn !=''

But when I tried replacing the first code with the second, I didn't get any results. Right now I'm back to the original code, and have turned the local covers option off, so I have several "No image available" images. Where do I change what to get local covers?

Best regards

Aida Đikić

From: Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com<mailto:cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com><mailto:cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com<mailto:cornejo.alvaro at gmail.com>>>
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 4:27 PM
To: library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba><mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>>
Cc: koha at lists.katipo.co.nz<mailto:koha at lists.katipo.co.nz><mailto:koha at lists.katipo.co.nz<mailto:koha at lists.katipo.co.nz>>
Subject: Re: [Koha] Local covers and the Coverflow plugin

Hi Aida

You only need to change/edit the report that pulls information for coverflow. Also remember to define the report as public.



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 • Print only if absolutely necessary / Imprime solo si es necesario / Imprimez seulement si nécessaire

Le ven. 16 juin 2023 à 03:41, mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba><mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>> <mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba><mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba<mailto:library at ssst.edu.ba>>> a écrit :
Hello again,

I'm trying to find a way to have local covers show in the Coverflow plugin on the OPAC page for titles not added via Z39.50.

I had originally set it up using the first example in the configuration (items added in the last 30 days), but going back I see there's another example for adding additional columns. Since it said, "you can add an additional column" I thought I was supposed to paste it below the already existing code. That... ended up with an error yeah :) So I replaced it and ran the report but could not get a local cover.

What am I doing wrong this time? I uploaded the cover in the holdings area. Is there another location I should do it instead? I checked old posts on the mailing list, but could not find any solutions for this. I would also like to work out a way to show covers of our collections (e.g. CS textbooks, ECON textbooks, donated books etc.) but for that I need to figure out lists??

I'm on Koha 23.05.00 and Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.

Best regards

Aida Đikić

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