[Koha] Where would I put the OpenLibrary ID in the MARC record

Nigel Titley nigel at titley.com
Fri Jul 21 09:43:55 NZST 2023


I'm using the Openlibrary cover facility to display covers in my OPAC 
and it generally works very well (in the case where the cover doesn't 
exist in Openlibrary I scan and upload it). However, if the Biblio 
record doesn't have an ISBN or LCCN the cover lookup fails (obviously). 
Is there any way of recording the Openlibrary ID (OLID) in a Biblio 
record so that the cover lookup will work, even if there is no ISBN or LCCN?

I've done a (fairly cursory) scan of the documentation but can't find 
and reference to where I should put the OLID so that Koha will look up 
the cover even if there is no ISBN or LCCN. Of course the facility may 
not exist, in which case I'd be grateful for confirmation from Someone 
Who Knows.

Many thanks

Nigel Titley

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