[Koha] [Docs] Screenshot update extravaganza at Hackfest

Caroline Cyr La Rose caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com
Fri Jan 20 06:34:20 NZDT 2023

Hi everyone!

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say, "We're doing this at hackfest!" 
without consulting anyone, but here goes...

We had a documentation meeting today and Aude raised the idea of using 
the hackfest to pool our resources to update the screenshots in the 
manual for the new staff interface design. We thought this was a great idea!

We don't currently have an automation setup or anything so if any 
developer is open to help us with this it would be great. I know 
Jonathan talked to me of "Cucumber" many years ago, and David was also 
working on something, but neither panned out so far.

Barring automation, if we all get into it and work as a team, we could 
do a lot of them manually too.

Note that this is open to virtual participation! It's fun to be together 
to work alongside each other, but if someone can't make it to Marseille, 
the chat will be open or we can plan video chats too.



<https://inLibro.com/en> 	Caroline Cyr-La-Rose, M.L.I.S.
Librarian | Product Manager

P 833-INLIBRO (465-4276) <tel:833-465-4276>, poste 221
E caroline.cyr-la-rose at inlibro.com

www.inLibro.com <https://inLibro.com/en>

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