[Koha] Opac display

c.dumontet at btinternet.com c.dumontet at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 9 20:46:55 NZST 2021

I'm new to Koha and I would be grateful for some help.


The name in the "Label for opac" in the MARC framework does not correspond
to the actual label on the opac.

For example:


In the Admin module one of our frameworks has the following labels for 246:
"Label for Lib" = Variant title ;  "Label for Opac" = Variant title.

But in the Opac display the label in fact reads: "Other title".


In which part of the Admin module do I tweak with these labels? Why the
discrepancy? Is there any video online where this topic is covered? (I could
not find any).

Many thanks for your help.



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