[Koha] Generating barcodes in koha 3.4

Somasekhar Rao K raosoma at gmail.com
Sun May 15 12:54:24 NZST 2011


I have trouble in generating barcodes. Can you please help me?

In Home->Tools->Labels Home->

1. When I manage Layouts, Templates, Profiles I could see the "Current
Branch" as the library I am interested in.
I was able to edit etc., and manage all above.
2. However, the moment I select "Managing Batches" or "New Batch", the
overall library name that was set top right hand corner (next to kohaadmin,
logout) gets reset and I don't see the library name against "Current
Branch". If I go ahead with "New Batch" operation, select "Add Items" and
choose the barcodes to be added to the batch, I get an error 404 saying the
link is broken.

Can you please help how to overcome this problem.

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