[Koha] Koha Docs

Stephen Hedges shedges at skemotah.com
Wed Nov 10 08:04:07 NZDT 2004

I have begun the process of loading some Koha documents to Sourceforge,
which will be the repository for Koha docs until we come up with a better
place to store them.  Look in koha-doc/en/general and you will find the
"official" XML version of Brooke's "Newbie Guide" from the Koha wiki, as
well as an HTML conversion of the XML source.  Look in
koha-doc/en/sysadmin/migration and you'll find the XML and HTML of my
"Migrating to Koha" document.

I'm working on Nick Rosasco's official Koha Manual (for version 1.2.3) as
well as Paul's brochure for version 2.2.0 (in both French and English). 
I'm open to suggestions for more documents to transfer to XML and load to
Sourceforge, so send 'em my way!

Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  shedges at skemotah.com

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